Monday, September 13, 2010

HypoGal Blogs How An Health Advocate May Save Your Life

HypoGal with Sheehan's Syndrome(hypopituitary) blogs about how an health advocate may safe your life.

It is so important to be your own health advocate. But, part being your own advocate is to bring an advocate with you to your doctor’s appointment. Your health advocate can be a close friend, parent, relative or spouse. It is best if your advocate is familiar with you and your symptoms. Below, I have outlined five reasons why bring an advocate to your doctors appointment can benefit your healthcare.

1. When you don’t feel well it may be difficult to convey your symptoms and questions to your doctor. Your health advocate can help you give detailed examples of your symptoms and clarify your questions to your doctor.

2. If you are feeling ill you may not comprehend all of the information the doctor is giving you. Your advocate can confirm with your doctor the information that has been given you. Your advocate can also take notes about the information the doctor has given you.

3. If you bring a health advocate with you to your appointment the doctor usually gives your appointment additional time. I know it should not be this way with doctors but I have found this all so true.

4. I have also found that doctors take my symptoms much more seriously when my husband is with me. My husband has come up with a theory about doctors. While my husband's theory may not be ethical, I have found his theory definitely holds a lot of truth. My husband’s theory goes like this: most doctors are male, married and think their wives can be a bit crazy. So, many times a doctor can automatically discount a female patient and infer their wives personality traits upon their patients. I know that most doctors do not intentional treat females this way but I really do think it happens.

5. Towards the end of your doctor’s appointment your health advocate can repeat back a summary of your appointment to your doctor. Your advocate should repeat back the reason any tests or labs are being ordered. If there are no tests or labs being ordered then you and your advocate should ask why. Also, a follow plan with doctor needs to be confirmed.

So there you have it. I think an advocate is the most important thing you should bring to your doctors appointment.

HypoGal writes a weekly blog about living with a chronic disease, Sheehan's Syndrome. You can read about her rare disease, Sheehan’s Syndrome on her web site

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