Friday, August 20, 2010

Sheehan's Syndrome Testing As Experienced By HypoGal

HypoGal and Sheehan's Syndrome Testing
Testing for Sheehan's Syndrome (Hypopituitarism) can be extremely frustrating and expensive. First, please note that health insurance does matter. I was extremely fortunate to have PPO insurance. My PPO insurance allowed me to see almost any specialist without a referral. I can honestly say that if I had to wait for insurance preapprovals and I couldn't afford out of pocket for doctor fees, I would be dead.
If you suspect that you have Endocrine issues make sure that proper lab work is completed. Many doctors will not run anything more than standard medical labs, ie. CBC panel.

Here are some of the additional lab test you may want to request:
Cortisol Levels (drawn first thing in the morning)
ACTH (drawn first thing in the morning)
TSH ( thyroid)
Free T4 (thyroid)
Free T3 (thyroid)
Hemoglobin A1C
IGF-1 (insulin growth factor/growth hormone)

If you are trying to find out how to interpret lab results than lab test online is an awesome resource tool.

This is where medicine becomes extremely subjective and expensive. A person can have completely normal labs and still have Sheehan's Syndrome. Almost all Endocrinologists and medical information have stated that the IGF-1 (growth hormone) is the first pituitary gland horomone to fail in Sheehan's Syndrome. However, my standard IGF-1 was always within standard medical labs and was one of my last hormones to fail.

In order to make a positive diagnosis a ACTH Stimulation Test should be given to test cortisol output. An Arginine Stimulation Test should be given to test for IGF-1. Also, an MRI of the pituitary should be done to see if the pituitary has an Empty Sella. Some people prefer to have their ACTH and IGF-1 tested with an ITT Stimulation Test. However, this test has more risk involved.

On a personal note, I was always within range on all my lab testing. I did fail both the stimulation test for ACTH and Growth Hormone.

Please be sure to ask for all copies of your labs. You are entitled to a copy of your labs results. You need to keep copies of all of your medical records.

You can read more about Sheehan's Syndrome and the HypoGal at

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